
Darb Trainings

DARB is a unique internship program that prepares participants for the professional job market. In addition to an internship, participants attend workshops like : “CV Writing”, “Job Interview”, “Entrepreneurship Skills”, “Essentials of Project Management” and many other beneficial workshops to improve their professional and workplace skills.
DARB participants will also have access to leadership opportunities through unique community service programs. DARB adopts a special approach to empowering young people and their path to becoming well-rounded, highly effective leaders in their community.

Employability Training Program

Employability Training Program (ETP) is a professional program organized under the DARB Unit. ETP aims to prepare the youth to be career ready and develop their soft & technical skills through attending the series of sessions.
They are divided into various 18 topics related to workplace preparation from different aspects given by passionate trainers who teach & support the participants in their journey.

Hospitality Practical Training Program

Hospitality Practical Training Program is about 20 intensive practical training hours presented by the Training Manager at Appetito restaurant-Gemmayze Branch, where high achievers of this program were offered a job instantly.

Youth Tech

The Coding Squad

The boot camp instructs you in building websites through web development. HTML, CSS, and Java script are the 3 fundamental languages we use. Participants create their own websites from scratch. Participants also learnd how to create games using JavaScript and Canvas. The Coding Squad has 4 generaions so far.

The Coding Squad-Advanced

A complementary bootcamp of The Coding Squad where qualified participants from TCS are prompted to join the advanced classes. Participants learn more about JavaScript and the frameworks/libraries used in the current market by developers. Participants had the chance to meet with a rwal client to develop a website for his company. The participants won cash prizes based on the best developed ideas.


A program that teaches a combination of electronics and coding so that the stidents become able to build a robot from different electronis parts like motors, sensors, resistors, and many other stuff. Students learn how to program those parts in order to reach their desired outcome.

TechTeach: Trainer Development Program

A program provided by the Youth Tech Unit to prepare passionate partiicpants to become a tech-trainer. Participants learn more about teaching methodologies, lesson and curriculum planning, time management.. and so on. The outstanding participants of this program is offered the opportunity to join the unit as a trainer.

QGIS: A Powerful Tool for Geographic Data Analysis

This program is crafted for passionate participants above 18 who are curious to learn more about the maps and how to build them. How to add coordinates and locate areas, building, rivers, streets and many other stuff on a map. The QGIS program is based on GIS software that is very important in many fields like geography, civil engineering, computer science… etc. Governments, municipalities, NGOs and many other organizations depend on GIS in their work.

Single-session workshops

Linux Operating System: A 3-hour workshop that was intended for TCS and Web Geeks students where they learned more about different operating systems and specifically the Linux OS. Participants had a hands-on experience within the workshop.

Machine Learning: A 3-hour workshop where a machine learning engineer introduced the participants to machine learnign and its different aspects. She showed them real life examples and the power of machine learning.

Human Hacking Art: The Social Engineering: A 3-hour workshop that introduced the participants to social engineering and its threats. How to identify such threats and attacks and how to avoid them. The cybersecurity engineer showed the participants real life examples in addition to performing some exercise to avoid any future cyber attack.

The Web Geeks

Another version of The Coding Squad but crafted for adults who’ve already completed their studies in the university and already pursued a career but wants to have a glimpse of the programming and development world. It’s crafted for curious people who is thinking of career shifting.


The Youth Caster Podcasting Program

The Program was in collaboration with PODEO. We taught them how to go live and the students had the opportunity to record their ideas into real podcasts that went live. The Youth Caster has 2 generations so far.


Homework Made Easy

Homework made easy is a program that aims to provide affordable academic support for school students from grade 4 to grade 12. The subjects available for support are Arabic, Biology, English, Math, Chemistry, Physics and Economics. Our tutors are volunteers.


Summer Science Camp

The aim of this program is to make learning science enjoyable. This can be achieved through a science camp through which students learn science by performing simple experiments. The experiments that are chosen for this camp are related to the science concepts they learn at school.

Film Camp

Film Camp

LOYAC Film Camp is a one-year program offering intensive sessions in scriptwriting, producing, cinematography, directing, production design, and editing. From script to screen, LOYAC Film Camp aims at exposing the participants into the film industry while providing them with hands-on experience.

Legal Clinic

 تهدف العيادة القانونية دعم مجموعة من الشبان/ات، وطلاب حقوق ومحامين/ات، ليكونوا قادرين على التعاطي مع القوانين من وجهة نظر إنسانية ونسوية، لبناء مجتمع قانوني ضليع بالقوانين المحلية والدولية لدعم العدالة للنساء والأطفال

أقامت منظمة “فيميل” و”لوياك” مساء أمس الاثنين الرابع من آذار/مارس لقاء تشبيك قانوني جرى خلاله حفل لتخريج الدفعة الأولى من 13 محامية ومحام واحد في مشروع العيادة القانونية، وهي مجموعة من التدريبات والدورات بالتعاون مع منظمات نسوية وحقوقية، وذلك في بيت المحامي في العاصمة اللبنانية بيروت

وتناول التدريب الذي خضع إليه المتدربين/ات آليات مواجهة العنف التي تتعرض له النساء بكافة أشكاله وكان اختيار المتدربين/ات في اللقاء على قضية العنف والابتزاز الإلكتروني، حيث عرضوا القوانين المتعلقة بالعنف والابتزاز الإلكتروني وإحصائيات تتعلق به، والعقوبات الحالية لهذا الجرم وآليات مواجهته، وأختتم الحفل بتوزيع الشهادات على المشاركين/ات في البرنامج، وتهدف العيادة القانونية إلى بناء مجتمع قانوني في لبنان ضليع بالقوانين المحلية والدولية لدعم العدالة للنساء والأطفال